The Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) , established in 2007, is Cyprus’ youngest one of two state funded Universities. It has achieved an exponential growth, international recognition and an impressive track record of research project grants from national and European sources.

CUT was ranked at the top 401-500 Universities worldwide by Times Higher Education, and in 2017 it featured a 52nd place on the BRICS & Emerging Economies Rankings and 16th place amongst the top Best Small Universities by the same organization. CUT has a dedicated Research Office providing finance, contractual and research administration support for each Department/School for the implementation of research projects, and has an Investors in People Bronze award. It consists of 14 Departments in five Schools.
The department of nursing is the largest department within CUT. It is the national point of reference with regards to Nursing and Midwifery education. It educates 400 students in the 4-year undergraduate programme, BSc Nursing, around 80-100 postgraduate students depending on which of its 2-year MSc programmes are on offer, and more than 40 PhD students. The Department collaborates closely with the Ministry of Health, and trains students in all public hospitals nationwide.
The Language Center of CUT has a strong background in current theories and practices in Language Education. It has a history of research in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Computer Assisted Language Assessment and Testing (CALAT), Teacher Education and new skills development. The languages taught are English, Greek, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Russian.
Dr. Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous is an Assistant Professor and the Director of the Language Center of CUT. Her research interests include Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Computer Assisted Language Assessment and Testing (CALAT), Technology Enhanced L2 Curriculum Development & Evaluation, Language Teacher Education, and eLearning. She developed curricula and modules for undergraduate and postgraduate level. She has taken leadership and managerial roles in team projects and committees.

Andreas Charalambous, BSc, MSc, PGCert (Research), PhD (Oncology Nursing) obtained his BSc in Nursing Science by the Northumbria University in U.K., his MSc in Nursing Science from the Middlesex University, U.K. and his PhD in Oncology Nursing from the same university. He has worked clinically and academically in Cyprus and U.K. He is an Associate Professor of Oncology and Palliative Care at the Cyprus University of Technology and a Docent at University of Turku, Finland. He is the founder and Past President of the Cyprus Oncology Nursing Society. He is the EONS President and member of the ECCO Oncopolicy Committee. He has published over 100 national and international publications in esteemed journals.

Theologia Tsitsi, BSc, MSc, MA, Phd, obtained a BSc in Nursing Science by the Anglia University in UK, a MSc in Nursing Science from Liverpool University, an MA in Healthcare Management from the Cyprus Open University and a PhD in Oncology Nursing from the Cyprus University of Technology. She has been a member of the Special Teaching Staff in the Nursing Department at CUT since 2008. She has worked as an educator for the School of Nursing in Cyprus and as a Nursing Officer at public hospitals. She is involved in several National and International research programs in cancer and elderly care.

Dr María Victoria Soulé is a Special Scientist (Spanish Language) at the Language Center of CUT. Her research interests include Collaborative learning practices, L2 Acquisition, Multilingualism, Study Abroad and CALL. She has participated in various research projects. Currently, María Victoria is a Management Committee Member of the COST action 15130, and a researcher in two Erasmus+ projects.

Kostas Stylianou has been a special scientist at the Language Centre of CUT since 2011. He has taught Greek (L1, L2) in various levels and special interest groups. He holds an MA in Applied Linguistics from the University of Birmingham, UK, while he studied Greek Philology at the University of Patras, Greece. His research interests include technology in language teaching, applied linguistics as well as sociolinguistic matters in various contexts.

Christina Yerou is an English Language Instructor at the Language Centre of the CUT. She has been involved in curriculum development and design of English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP). Her research interests include Authenticity in ELT, Autonomous Learning, Needs Analysis and Curriculum Development, English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP), Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), and Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL).

Eftychia Xerou is a special scientist specialized in teaching Italian as a second/foreign language at Cyprus University of Technology. She earned her BA degree with a distinction in teaching Italian language and culture to foreigners, and her MA degree in Didactics of Italian language at the University for Foreigners in Perugia, Italy, and her 2nd MA degree in New Technologies for Communication and Learning at the Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus. At present she is working on her PhD in Instructional Technology. Her research interests include the planning of teaching material, creating online interactive environments for learning the Italian language, as well as digital technologies and robotics in education.